Replace All Democrats.

We Need Radical Change. We need to Replace All Democrats.

Party insiders want to move right. We want to move forward.

Chuck Schumer won't fight. Hakeem Jeffries isn't up to the task. The leadership who made this mess doesn't know how to get us out. The only way forward is to challenge every sitting Democrat.

The Democratic Party leadership spent tens of millions of dollars to push out sitting Democrats in 2024 primary challenges. Now it's time to throw out the leaders who simply aren't rising to the challenge. Replace All Democrats is a movement to hold the Democratic Party leadership accountable. Primary challengers won't win every election, but replacing the sitting Democrats with fresh new faces and fresh new ideas is the only way to move the party forward.

Party leadership must stop holding policy hostage so they can beg for $3 campaign contributions

    End the Cronyism

    • Replace Chuck Schumer.
    • Replace Hakeem Jeffries.
    • Eliminate super delegates
    • Make primaries more accessible.
    • End local party boss systems.
    • Ban campaign consultants from government contracts.
    • Ban lobbyists from campaigns.

    Policies for the future

    • Protect abortion rights with federal a law.
    • Protect civil rights to end discrimination by race, religion, and ethnicity.
    • Protect equal rights to end discrimination of sex and gender.
    • Tax billionaires to so they pay back what they’ve taken from society.
    • Tax corporations to make capitalism work for everyone.
    • Protect labor rights so workers aren’t exploited.
    • Ensure access to health care by expanding Medicare, Medicaid, and public options.
    • Fight for families improving access to childcare and parental leave.

    Join the fight.

    We're looking for candidates willing to fight, who share our values, and who want Democrats to move forward.

    What you Can do

    • Call your reps. Tell them Schumer and Jeffries must step aside
    • Unsubscribe from DNC, DCCC, and DSC mailing lists and tell them why
    • Join our mailing list for the future


    Do YOU want to primary a sitting Democrat? Want to join the fight to move the party forward? Send us a mail at